Vineyard Nordic Kids

OPGAVE: Logo “Henrik has done a fabulous job for the Vineyard Nordic Kids! When we needed a logo he was able to capture all that we had hoped for with his first logo suggestion!! With our other design needs he has bent over backwards to help us get what we needed, even on short notice!…


OPGAVE: Logo “Tak for hjælpen med vores fine logo. Henrik har været god til at opfylde de kravs-specifikationer vi har lavet til ham, og efterfølgende fået rettet de små ændringer vi har ønsket. Vi har været godt tilfreds med samarbejdet og glæder os nu til at tage det i brug.” Karin Carlsen, Korskirken


OPGAVE: Logo “Bournemouth University, UK is delighted with the logos that Engedal have designed for us. They are clear, bright and very attractive. Both VeggiEAT ( and FoodSMART (, two pan European research projects have benefited from the tight design.” Professor Heather Hartwell Foodservice and Applied Nutrition Research Group